Saturday, October 2, 2010

Chief William Hart of the Londonderry Police Department Under Investigation by Attorney General

Londonderry, NH---William Hart, the Chief of Police for the Town of Londonderry, NH along with four of his officers and one detective (Glenn L. Aprille, Jason M. Archambault, Kelly W. Kulig, James J. Freda and Detective Donald A. LaDuke) are under investigation by the NH Attorney General's Criminal Investigation Unit for civil and constitutional rights violations.

The ACLU is also investigating this case. We are watching it closely to make certain no additional abuse occurs and that the NH Attorney General investigates this case fully.

This is not the first time Chief Hart has been investigated, back when he was a county attorney Hart seemed to skirt the law with his actions and abuse of power:

Judge Muirhead expressed his opinion that the plaintiff has an excellent case and that it seems quite clear that both the Londonderry Police Department and Rockingham County Attorney William Hart-whom the judge claimed to know as the source of numerous problems and errors-had acted inappropriately in their dealings with Mr. Coltin. Frankly, I have never observed Judge Muirhead to be quite so free with his criticisms and opinions as he was during this particular conference. Obviously, in light of the magistrate judge's strong feelings in favor of the plaintiff in this case, we did not agree to have this case assigned to Judge Muirhead as we had previously

We are watching this case and Chief Hart to make certain justice prevails.

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